23 December 2007

Finally...warm weather

We had to wait a bit longer but yesterday was finally a nice, hot and sunny day for running. Had some really good runs and clocked up another 105 km last week.

Have been told to plan some additional, special heat training for next year - some recommend winter clothes and running, others Sauna for hours....wonder if there is ways to really simulate the desert at 50 degrees apart of going there....(and what about the sandstorms?)

Thanks to all who have already sent their payment for the Fundraising dinner - seats are limited and I encourage everyone to confirm soon by transferring the dinner money. I was very successful with getting over 1500$ of prices together for our raffle and auction on that night....so don't miss out.

For all the support I received in 2007 raising funds for The Fred Hollows Foundation I like to thank everyone! It really makes a difference and helps me to keep going out there every day and run for this great cause.

Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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