16 August 2008


With the Olympic's on till midnight it makes it hard to be in top shape the next morning for long runs. The runs were slower and shorter last week and this won't change this week with the games in full swing.
Got a first pre-view of the MdS 2008 DVD - some great shots and happy to say that my "hand" made it a couple of times into the coverage as well!
Currently running regularly with "Marathon Man" when training - Trent is preparing a possible run around Australia in 2009 - this is a huge project and in planning stage at this moment. I am sure we will hear more about this in the future.
So - have to run, the Woman's marathon is on TV :-)
Save running

09 August 2008

14km - C2S in 73min

Did my City to Surf on Saturday and ran 14km in just over 73min. Happy to have a day off today and having enjoyed a run yesterday without 70'000 other runners competing for space on the road. http://city2surf.sunherald.com.au/home2.php
My training really suffered a bit lately - less then 40km a week but I have signed up with a new gym near my new work place and from tomorrow onwards it will be back on track - only 6 weeks to go till Fitzroy Falls Marathon and I need to clock up some more km's each week.
Bring it on...

02 August 2008

Slow but steady

The last 2 weeks after our Hunter Valley 1/2 marathon were slow - I started a new job and just could not find the time to run more. Still clocking 50 km a week, so hopefully that will be enough for the next 8 weeks until Fitzroy Falls Marathon http://www.fitzroyfallsmarathon.com/. Just found out that the race is 2 weeks earlier then last year, so I need to squeeze in a few more runs between now and end of September.
Bought two new pairs of shoes and was able to give all my 'old'
shoes to a friend who takes them to South Africa, where
runners will happily use them for another few years!
I will probably find some of my shoes running The Comrades in 2010 against me :-)
Recently I am getting quite a few emails from fellow Aussies preparing for the Marathon des Sables 2009 and 2010 asking me for advise. Makes me all jealous to see them getting ready for next year - I am missing the desert, the excitement of preparing for that great race and I can't wait for my next big adventure....
Happy and save running