23 April 2008

Back in town and not running.....yet

Well, every adventure has an end. After a long flight back to Sydney I arrived to rain and cold weather - just perfect to start another marathon at work.....clearing up 400+ emails!
Since Dubai I developed a shin splints in my right leg and it took the whole week now to get rid of the pain...I will give my body another week or so just to recover fully before start some kind of training again.
Already have a new project in mind, which I missed out on last year - the 2008 Sydney Oxfam Trailwalk (http://www2.oxfam.org.au/trailwalker/sydney/). Still looking for two more keen team member - any volunteers? Denis, my local running buddy, and I are planning to start training next week. All for a great cause and I hope we can register pretty soon as this race will 'sell out' very quickly. I believe we should be able to finish the 100 km under 15 hours - or at least that's the goal.
Before starting that new challenge I will work on my Marathon des Sables Report this weekend and make sure you will have very soon access to all my photos as well.
Thanks for the patience - should not be much longer...but I had to un-pack and wash my smelly running gear first :-)

1 comment:

Craig B. said...

Welcome home, Markus, and I hope your shin splits will go away soon. Recover well, and I look forward to your report. More soon...

Cheers, mate,